Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits

Course Details
Language of Instruction English
Level of Course Unit Bachelor's Degree
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course This is an introductory course on control systems for engineering students. The subject of control systems is highly multidisciplinary: with strong foundations in engineering and mathematics, it is about the ability to address and solve problems in a variety of disciplines. The course is designed with this nature of the subject in mind. The aim is to present the concepts of feedback control theory. This is done by giving a clear exposition of the basic principles of frequency and time-domain analysis techniques.
The students will
• develop fundamentals associated with the analysis and design of automatic control systems,
• observe feedback control systems properties,
• design and apply feedback control systems for a range of experimental sets.
Course Content Review of the mathematical system modeling. The concept of feedback; block diagrams. System performance specifications. Time responses of linear systems. Stability of linear feedback control systems by using Routh criterion, root-locus method and Nyquist criterion. Frequency response methods, Bode plots. Relative stability. Design of compensators.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities ( EEE 285 )
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Associate Prof.Dr. TOLGAY KARA
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Ogata, Katsuhiko, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall.
Kuo and Golnaraghi, “Automatic Control Systems”, Wiley.
Provided during lectures.

Course Category
Engineering %50
Engineering Design %50

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 2 % 40
Practice 1 % 20
Final examination 1 % 40
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84
Assignments 5 2 10
Mid-terms 2 6 12
Laboratory 10 4 40
Final examination 1 8 8
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 7 196

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 1) Possess a basic understanding of control system engineering and be able to offer some illustrative examples and their relationship to key contemporary issues.
2 2) Understand the important role of modeling in the control system design process. Be aware of block diagrams and their role in analyzing control systems.
3 3) Recognize the improvements afforded by feedback control in reducing system sensitivity to parameter changes, disturbance rejection, and measurement noise attenuation
4 4) Be familiar with the design formulas that relate the second-order pole locations to percent overshoot, settling time, rise time, and time to peak
5 5) Know how to construct a Routh array and be able to employ the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion to determine stability.
6 6) Understand the powerful concept of the root locus and its role in control system design.
7 7) Be able to design controllers to meet desired specifications using root locus methods
8 8) Know how to sketch a Bode plot and also how to obtain a computer-generated Bode plot.
9 9) Be capable of designing a controller to meet desired specifications using frequency response methods.
10 10) Understand the practical different control problems through experiments of the control systems

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Registration, Introduction to the Course
2 Basic Definitions
3 Laplace Transformation, Theorems and Properties
4 Transfer Functions, Block Diagrams
5 Block Diagram Algebra and Simplification
6 Mathematical Modeling
7 Time Response of Linear Systems, MT Exam 1
8 Stability
9 Frequency Response of Linear Systems
10 Nyquist Diagrams
11 Relative Stability
12 Root-locus Plots, MT Exam 2
13 Compensator Design
14 Concluding Remarks

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11
All 5 5 3 5 5 3
