Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
The Bohr atom/ Atomic Bonding/ Bonding model (Valance band model)
2 |
Energy band model/ Metal, Insulator, Semiconductor/ Effective mass/ Intrinsic&Extrinsic semiconductors
3 |
Carrier transport and recombination
4 |
Electrostatic field and potentials.
5 |
Pn Junction electrostatics
6 |
The depletion approximation/ Breakdown
7 |
1st midterm
8 |
Pn Junction under forward bias
9 |
Total forward bias current/ Small signal model of pn juntion
10 |
Bipolar junction transistor/ Basic modes
11 |
Basic operation/ Current gains/ Small signal equivalent model
12 |
Field effect transistor/ Device structure
13 |
2nd Midterm
14 |
Basic operation/Small signal equivalent model